

This is an extensive review of federal laws that are recommended for pharmacists and veterinarians who practice veterinary medicine. Controlled substance regulations will be covered in detail as well as prescription ordering, writing and dispensing rules and regulations. New changes of drugs for food animals from OTC to prescription will also be covered in this 60 minutes education program. Compounding guidelines and legal ramifications of dispensing human drugs to animals will be discussed in detail. The speaker has given over 400 lectures in veterinary pharmacy law and pharmacology over the past 25 years as a veterinary pharmacist that practices at a university veterinary college.

Who should attend?

  • Veterinarians
  • Pharmacists
  • Veterinary and Pharmacy technicians
  • Sales Representatives of Veterinary Compounding Pharmacies
Why should you attend?

  • To cover the legal regulations for dispensing and record keeping of controlled substances
  • Discuss the new changes in food animal antimicrobial drugs from OTC to Rx
  • Audit your current practices for inspections of your drug inventory
  • Understand the legal ramifications of compounding
  • Review new drug dosages forms and extra-label use
  • Review what is legal for technicians to do when handling medications
What you'll learn?

  • Laws, Regulations, and Litigation with the Drug Enforcement Administration
  • How to document record keeping of controlled drugs
  • References needed for pharmacist to practice in a pharmacy dispensing veterinary medications
  • Handling extra-label prescriptions
  • Review species differences in drugs

Ms. Dr. Sue Hudson Duran
Ms. Dr. Sue Hudson Duran is a professor at Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine and Adjunct Clinical Professor, Harrison School of Pharmacy, Auburn, Alabama. She has experience as a GMP pharmacist in pharmaceuticals, biologicals, nutraceuticals and food. She is an active member of the Auburn Food Systems Institute. She has been the safety officer at the College of Veterinary Medicine since 2000, serving to educate medical professionals in safe handling.